Online Licensing


The License Now link and form take about 15 seconds to appear on your screen. An outside vendor is used for secure​ transactions. The form will open in a new browser window and the website will look different.​ Payment: We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover Card. 

Unincorporated Areas

License Now!

Sacramento County Animal Care provides pet licensing for residents of the unincorporated area of Sacramento County.

​​​New License

Visit License Now! to begin the licensing process! Have your pet's rabies vaccination paperwork ready. ​

License Renewal​

License Now! Have your pet's license number and rabies vaccination paperwork ready. If you are renewing your animal license, you will not receive a new tag unless you indicate it.

Within City Limits

If you live within the limits of a city located in the Greater Sacramento region, please see the below links for licensing in your area:

Replacement Tag

If your license is still current and you are only looking for a replacement tag, you can request replacement tags. Be sure to include your pet's name and license number in the Comment box. Replacement tags cost $5.00.


Donate Now!

While​ renewing, you can ​make a one-time donation to help care for the shelter animals! If you would like to make a recurring donation or to donate ​​to a specific program at the shelter, visit our donation webpage​.​​