Lost Pets
Have you lost your pet?
Search at the Animal Shelter for your pet and register your pet online
- Post a picture of your animal on Petco Love Lost, a free tool that uses facial recognition to match lost and found pets
Visit Local Shelters
Post Flyers
Place a Yard Sign
Place an Ad
Download our new
Pet Search Checklist. And, take the following steps to locate your animal:
Search at the Animal Shelter *online and in person and
Register your lost pet at 24petconnect.com.
Lost Cats
Lost Dogs
Other Lost Animals
For additional assistance,
the Sacramento County Bradshaw Animal Shelter has a Lost and Found Team that can assist owners/finders by walking them through registering pets on Pet Harbor, offering tips on finding pets, navigating various shelter websites, and jurisdictions and answering questions about stray pets in the shelter. Call (916) 875-LOST (5678) or email BradshawLostAndFound@saccounty.gov. All inquiries via email and voicemail will be followed up within 48 hours.
- Visit local shelters and check websites every three days to see if your pet has arrived.
- Report a lost pet by registering at Lost.PetcoLove.org, 24petconnect.com, Pawboost.com, and Nextdoor.com to alert someone who has possibly found or seen your pet.
- Post flyers within a mile radius of where your pet was lost at vets, stores, schools, and churches.
- Include date/place where lost, type/breed, and your phone number (Don't list name on the flyer).
- Sample Flyer
- Place a yard sign in front of your house, with a photo of your missing pet and your phone number. People who find a lost pet often will walk or drive around the area, trying to find the pet’s owner.
- Place an ad in the lost and found sections of papers and online bulletin boards.
- Sacramento Bee (916-321-1234) or Craigslist.
Did you find your lost pet at the shelter? To Pick Up Your Animal:
First, look up the pet's Animal Shelter Number by searching the Lost Animals links above.
Provide rabies vaccination history from your vet; your pet cannot be released until history is verified.
Documents may be faxed to 916-875-5519.
Provide license status. Pets cannot be released unless the licensing information is up-to-date. Find out about licensing.
Have you found someone's pet?
Not sure where to take the found pet?
If you can't care for the animal or it's injured:
- Contact veterinarians in your area shelters immediately. Many 24-hour immediately. Many 24-hour veterinarian hospitals will take animals after hours until a local shelter is open or will care for the injured animal.
Have you found a feral cat/kitten?