What's New at Animal Care

Critical Need for Foster Providers - Kitten Season Early and Prolific

With the fair winter weather, unaltered cats are mating earlier and creating a critical need for Foster Providers. We need people to open their homes to animals until they are ready for adoption. Learn about fostering or help by donating foster care supplies! The "Help the Animals" tab has additional information. Fostering saves lives!

Reunited and It Feels So Good!

Owners Who Find Their Lost Pets at the Shelter Receive Free Microchips! *Donate to the “Chico fund” now… so we can create many more happy reunions! Learn more.  

Don’t Lose Your Pet – Learn Tips and Get the Lost Pet Search Checklist

July 5 is one of the busiest days at the Animal Shelter as we collect lost pets that bolted during the previous night’s fireworks displays. Learn what you can do to protect your pet and be sure to license your pet and have them wear ID tags. Lost Pet Search Checklist.  And, follow SacLostPets Twitter.


 Animal Fostering Lifeline – You can help save lives

The Animal Shelter takes in 280 animals weekly. This average fluctuates slightly year to year, but the number of animals entering the County Animal Shelter is staggering, no matter how you look at it. Become an animal foster volunteer! “Fostering animals is very gratifying and we make it easy to get involved,” said Volunteer Coordinator Celeste Ingrid.

Resource for Feral and Community Cats 

Do you need help with stray or un-owned cats in your Sacramento neighborhood or place of work?  SacFerals.com is a place that can help you with all sorts of things related to feral or community cats!   


 Rodent problems? Adopt a Barn Cat!

If you have rodents, we can help with our new Working Cat Program! There is no adoption fee for these unsuited house pets – but they will work hard for you in your barn, warehouse or garden shed. Our Barn Cats are altered and vaccinated – you just provide food, water and shelter.  Get all-natural pest control and save a hard-working cat!


Free Engraved Tag

Visit our shelter to adopt, redeem, license or vaccinate your pet during our monthly clinics, and receive a free personalize tag while you wait. Remember, a visible ID tag is a must for all pets. Thank you to the ASPCA for the funding to make this possible!​

 Success Story:  Sophie Began, Feral & Injured; Now, an Adopted “Dream Kitty”

Sophie is a dream kitty.  We all just love her!  She loves the laser and playing ball.  What is unique and special about her, is she has taken a fondness to my oldest son.  He is so good with her. Read more about Sophie and other Success Stories.​